Who was the Mensch of Malden Mills? Join us for an engaging event exploring the remarkable life of Aaron Feuerstein, the beloved figure known for his extraordinary compassion and leadership. After a devastating fire in 1995, Feuerstein famously continued to pay his workers at Malden Mills, exemplifying his deep commitment to both business and community. Participate in a read-aloud story from a new book that tells the story of this local Jewish American industrialist and philanthropist through the eyes of a young boy from Lawrence, MA, and discover the lasting impact of Feuerstein’s kindness and integrity on Malden and beyond.
Amy Salinger is a Teacher-Librarian at a dual language school. She also worked in Jewish early childhood education before pivoting to library work and writing part time. Her picture book about William Entenmann was published by Mascot Kids (2023). Amy is a former Maimonides, Gann, and SSDS Newton parent. She grew up in Maine, attended college and graduate school in Boston, and lives in MetroWest, where she is involved at Temple Israel of Natick.